Switching Over!

Hello Friends!

Short and Healthy now has its own official domain.  I have switched over from WordPress to Bluehost. You can now find me at shortandhealthy.com

After much debate and research, I decided I wanted a bit more flexibility with my blog.  I wanted it to grow as my desire for blogging grew.  I hope you still read at my new location. 🙂

Thanks! See ya soon!


Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from Short and Healthy!


Look what came in my Easter basket- My mother knows me so well.


However before I dug into one of those, I took Elvis for a walk and the weather was dreamy! With the weather having been around the 30s most of the last few weeks, 50 degrees felt magical! The wind created a nice breeze and my legs were itching to go for a run.  So I dropped Elvis off, put on my running shoes and let my legs take me. Since this was my first outdoor run (because the weather has been so horrible) I did not run as far as I would have liked.  But a little run is better than nothing at all.


I had just enough time to fit in two miles before I needed to shower for church!

Now with my stomach full beyond stuffed, I’m finally home from a long day of visiting family and celebrating the holiday.  Not only is today Easter, but it is also the last day of March.  As the month comes to a close, I have been thinking that March was just not my month at all.  I slacked in school, got lazy with my eating and became routine in my workouts.  All things I want to avoid! But sometimes you just have a bad month.  However, I’m going to put all this ‘bad’ behavior behind me, and focus on the future-April! I have so many things planned for April and I just cannot wait to get back on track-with everything!

Goals for April:

1. Participate in Sunday Food Prep at least one day this month

2. Eat clean for a month straight

3. Organize and plan my workouts so I’m not sitting at the gym saying “oh I guess I’ll try this machine today”

4. Participate in Melissa’s Organization Challenge (my life needs some organizing)

5. Seriously focus on school (I have been slacking)

With the Florida trip only 56 days away, I need to start getting serious and ready! (Can you tell I’m excited?)

Have a wonderful rest of your Easter!

Questions of the Day:

Are you doing anything different in the month of April? Do you ever need to reevaluate and reorganize a part of your life?


Chicken Salad and Easter Eggs

What a day! I’m barely keeping my eyes open as I write- it has been a long eventful day.

It started early with Elvis.


He was waiting for his morning walk. So patiently I might add.

After a long day of work, I came home to a broken dishwasher.  My dad spent most of the day trying to fix it so dinner came really late (the kitchen was covered in water and plumbing tools).

We had Salad with Marinated Chicken.


Chicken marinated in Tuscan Sun-dried Tomatoes, baby spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers with poppy-seed dressing.


I skipped the cheese but had some garlic bread (not pictured). It was light but satisfying, great for a night before Easter.

Now onto coloring Easter Eggs! A tradition we still hold in my house, we all joined together at the kitchen table for some egg coloring.  easter egg collage

Who doesn’t love good, quality family time coloring some eggs? I know we do!

Now for some shut-eye before tomorrow!

Keep an eye out for these upcoming events: organization challenge, 3 ingredient cookies, and homemade protein bars!


Question of the Day:

How does your family prepare for Easter together?

Sisters Are Forever

Wow my posts lately have been getting a little deep! But that’s okay, talking about something other than food and fitness is a little refreshing 🙂

But first- remember when I said workout buddies are the best? They are ten times better when it is your sister!

Since I am on Easter Break (Happy Good Friday!), my sister and I decided to hit the gym early before a day of dress shopping and bonding.  Our cardio went a little longer than usual because we were so busy catching up and chatting.  We spent 15 grueling minutes on the treadmill before hitting the elliptical for 25 minutes.  After we went up stairs to stretch and went our separate ways to complete some strength training. I followed Julie’s Super Fast Super Sweaty Circuit Workout.

I then added on:

50 squats with 10lb dumbbells

25 crunches

Some more chatting haha!

We left the gym sweaty and happy that we had made time to fit in a workout.  Breakfast was on the agenda next! I started with a cup of coffee and my new Dairy-Free Coconut milk Hazelnut Creamer! Yay for being dairy-free!


It was Hazelnuty deliciousness! While sipping on that, I started to make my Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes.  However, we were out of gluten-free flour, so they were just healthy pumpkin pancakes.

There is nothing better than spending a relaxing Friday with your sister.  My sister and I do not see much of each other because I am away at school, so any time we get is really special.  She is by far my best friend and understands me completely.  For those of you who have a sister, you understand the bond I am describing.  Anna and I always have a ton of fun together and we enjoy acting silly together. My sister is like a built-in  best friend, I can be myself around her because she has never know anything different.  Through thick and thin she is always there.  I just hope that others experience what we do because it is truly special.

sister 2

sister 3me and the sister

Sisters Are Forever!!

Questions of the Day:

How do you spend time with your family?

Internal Debate

Almost a full month of blogging and I am hooked! I know for many your thinking “one month, please that’s nothing” but to me it is a huge accomplishment! There will be more Short and Healthy to come that is for sure!

Anyways, as school was wrapping up for Easter Break (ah yes Catholic School does have its perks!) advisement has started on campus for next year.  Along with this has come many thoughts about the future and my career choices.  Currently I am enrolled as a nursing student with two more years left.  However, for the past few months I have been wondering (as most college kids do) is this what I want to do the rest of my life? Is this the right career choice for me? Is there something else I would consider doing.  Much to my mother’s disappointment, I have been thinking about another career path.  Ideally, I would love to be a nutrition major and become a dietician.  Except, my school does not offer that as a major option.  Having already transferred schools once, I want to finish my degree at Lewis.  After talking to a few people, I have come to discover they are adding a new major to the curriculum-Fitness Management.  It encompasses business classes with fitness classes to prepare you for a job in the fitness industry-whether you work in a corporation or a fitness center.  I have been thinking about switching to this and then getting my Master’s as  a Registered Dietician.  Ah decisions, decisions.  There are many pros and cons and they have been bouncing around my head the last week.

I know I love nutrition and health, but do I stop nursing?

Anyways, due to a lot of crying and stress, I have been lack on my creation of recipes.  But, I am home for a few days which means there is definitely some to come!

For tonight-work. But for tomorrow, coloring Easter eggs!

Question of the Day:

How do you prepare for Easter?

Also for any Registered Dieticians- I’d love some feedback on which major would be more beneficial to me in the long run!


Cookies N’ Banana Oats

Do I have a delicious, mouth-watering breakfast for you! Happy Tuesday!

Before we get to that, let’s recap a few things.  Last night I got home from work late and was not super hungry.  I opted for a small dinner and a little dessert.  I topped a Morning Star Tomato and Basil Pizza Burger with my dairy-free cheese.  I added some cherry tomatoes on the side.


For a little sweetness before bed, I had a Paleo Brownie.


It’s amazing how after a weekend of treats and overeating, what one day of clean eating can do.  I felt like a whole new person after getting back to my routine of working out and watching what I eat.  This feeling really contributes to my desire to become a dietician, because food is everything when it comes to our body!

This morning I was at the gym by 7:30am and spent 30 minutes on the elliptical.  I cranked up the resistance this time so I was really sweaty by the time I got off.  After a nice stretch-it was time for Leg Day! Yay for Leg Day! It was full of squats, lunges, and leg machines.

Now for the real exciting part of my morning: Cookies N’ Banana Oats.


3/4 cup oats ( I used gluten-free and dairy free oats)

1/2 cup vanilla almond milk

1 teaspoon chia seeds

2 tablespoons honey (brown sugar or sweetener can be used)

1 tablespoon Cookie Butter

Now this recipe requires a little prep work the night before.  Mix all the ingredients together and leave overnight (refrigerated).

In the morning, add a bit more almond milk to stir everything up and top with a banana.  It is cookie heaven in your mouth! I thought about adding cinnamon but did not want to take away from the delicious cookie and banana flavor! I test tasted a bit before I cut up my banana and my mouth began watering for more!


On another note- our Florida tickets are bought! So it is official, we are going.  This means 62 days of clean eating and hard-core workouts.

Now off to class.


Questions of the day: Favorite way to prepare oats? How do you prepare for a vacation?


Thin Mint Protein Shake

After my shopping trip yesterday I was a little too excited to start making new things with all my delicious ingredients.  First on the list- A chocolate peppermint protein shake.  It ended up tasting like a Thin Mint cookie- my favorite Girl Scout Cookie! In drinkable form- it went down so smoothly. So I renamed it and called it the Thin Mint Protein Shake.


2 handfuls of spinach

1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder

1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract (only this amount-its really strong!)

2 cups vanilla almond milk


blend all together.



Don’t judge a shake by its color- this was a nasty green color but a lot of flavor!

Before making my protein shake, I hit the gym early to get in an intense workout.

I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill doing interval runs to complete 3 miles. Then I decided it was an arm day and created this circuit.

arm workout

I repeated it twice, using 10 lb dumbbells. I felt the burn.

After showering for the day and drinking my Thin Mint Protein Shake, I spent the morning studying for an exam.  To relieve me from the books, my friend Stephanie came to visit for an hour so we could catch up and chat.  I used this opportunity to snack on my new coconut milk yogurt and some Gluten-Free Chex Cereal I picked up!


This is Stephanie 🙂


And this is my delicious snack!


Blueberry Cinnamon Chex Yogurt Goodness!

Happy Monday!

I’m off to work!

Sunday Shopping

Well hello!

I hope your weekend is wrapping up to be a good one.  Mine was jam-packed with things to do and I barely had time to take pictures of it all! There definitely was not enough hours in the day.

So for the recap:

Friday night, Mike and I headed to dinner with my friends Erica, Rachel and Rachel’s boyfriend Harish.  We dined at Benihana’s , a Japanese restaurant where they cook the food in front of you! I was really excited to try the place, after hearing only good things about it.  Our chef was fabulous-he made is so we had dinner and a show.  He was very skilled at doing little tricks while cooking and cracking jokes the entire time.  I could barely eat because I was so busy watching him.  Almost every main dish comes with soup, salad, an appetizer and your entrée so there was more than enough food to go around.



This soup was amazing! I ate mine and half of Mike’s as well.

I ordered the Benihana Colossal Mango Shrimp- and I highly recommend it.  The mango really added flavor to the shrimp and I finished every last bite.


Erica and Rachel ordered the same thing, so it was definitely a group favorite.

Saturday, my dad was throwing a fundraiser so Mike and I stopped by for breakfast and some mingling.


My parents (and grandma in the background).

We enjoyed some eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy (my favorite!), potatoes and fruit while everyone talked.  Coffee and pastries were also served and it turned out to be a lovely event.

Saturday afternoon, we stopped by Mike’s parents house and I learned how to make italian sausage.  Now for those of you looking for a decent arm workout without going to the gym- I highly recommend making italian sausage! My arms were burning after cranking all that sausage out!

Sunday consisted of grocery shopping (one of my favorite activities) and I wanted to share with you some of my finds!

I had read so many yummy recipes this past week that I wanted to try so I picked up a few ingredients I would need.


1. Chia seeds- I read on Julie’s blog that these would thicken and fluff up my oats.  Plus you can put them in protein shakes and smoothies.


2. pumpkin seeds- They were just calling to me at Whole Foods and I can put them in my oats or just snack on them.


3. Ginger Snaps- but not just any ginger snaps, gluten-free, dairy free and wheat free ginger snaps!


4. Gluten, Dairy and Soy free Blueberry Muffins-explanitory.


5. Cookie Butter- a tasty twist on peanut butter, I’m going to add it to my protein shakes and see how it changes the flavors. I’m sure I can find other yummy uses for it as well 🙂


6. Coconut milk yogurt- I had tried this brand’s version of yogurt made with almond milk and saw they had a coconut milk option as well.


7. Dairy free Cheese- YES!


8. Coconut Milk Hazelnut flavored creamer- to make my coffee extra tasty!


9. Peppermint extract- I really want to try a peppermint and chocolate protein shake!

I picked up a few other things including bananas and salt.  I would say it was a successful trip! Recipes to come this week!

Now for a night of studying and some tea perhaps.

Fruity Friday!

I’m back!

Sorry for no post yesterday but sometimes nursing school just takes up way too much of my time. However, I have a delicious protein shake for you to make up for it.

This morning I started the day early at the gym (yes I did wake up this time). I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill doing a 3 mile interval run. It left me sweaty and feeling good. I switched between a jog at 6.9 and 8.5 for my sprints. I would jog for 2 minutes and sprint for one. I also added a brisk walk at the beginning and the end at 4.0 speed.
After a quick stretch and some abdominal work I headed home for some breakfast.

I refueled with an Apple Cinnamon Protein Shake

1 apple
1/2 banana
1 cup vanilla almond milk unsweetened
Handful of spinach (always have to get my greens in there)
1 scoop designer whey vanilla protein powder
Few ice cubes
2 dashes of cinnamon



It turned green from my spinach but it tasted like apples and cinnamon!


While I prepared that I snacked on a few of these:


I guess I was in a fruit mood today because for my afternoon snack I had an apple as well- sometimes I just can’t get enough.


Hope your Friday is fruity and fun! 🙂